Different Ways To Help Improve The Wi-Fi Signal In Your Home

When the internet in your home keeps dropping out and some parts of the house the wi-fi signal is dodgy, getting a new wi-fi modem is not always the best solution. You can do other things to help improve the internet signal in all parts of your home without having to spend too much money on an expensive router. You can find various tips below that you can use that may help improve your internet signal and reduce it dropping out when you go to different parts of your home.
Update Your Router
You may find there is a software or firmware update available for your router, and if you do the update, it can help improve the situation. You can click here to get simple instructions on updating the firmware for your router, which may help your situation. However, if you try this and you are still having issues, there are other things that you can try to improve the internet signal in our home.
Try Moving Your Router
You can also try moving your router to a new location which can help to increase the quality of the signal it transmits. You will want to keep it as far from other electronic devices as possible, which can help improve your wireless internet connection. Ensure there are no cables and electric items close to the router, which can make a difference to the signal quality in your home.
Consider Getting A Wi-Fi Repeater For Your Home
In some instances, there is not a lot you can do regard moving your router and ensuring it is not too close to electrical items and cables whose magnetic fields can disrupt the wi-fi signal. However, there is still something you can do, and getting a wi-fi repeater can make a significant difference to the quality of your wi-fi signal in your home and ensure everyone can connect to the internet in your home.
Try Changing Channels Or Frequencies
You may find that your signal is being affected by your neighbour’s wi-fi, and one way to help resolve this issue is by swapping the channel your router uses and see if this helps resolve the situation. You can also try switching your router’s frequency by going from 2.4GHZ to 5GHz or vice versa. Hopefully, this will resolve the issue, but if not, you may need to contact your ISP (internet service provider) and see if there is anything they can do to assist.